Dentistry 101 –
These two lectures look at how teeth and chiropractic care are related. Fractals, decay and function are all examined.
Certificate: AVCA
Duration: 5 hours
Assessments: Yes
Skill Level: DC or DVM
Lectures: 2
Quizzes: 2
Language: English
Dentistry 101 –
Differences in Dental Anatomy; in the animal world, the mouth, head, face and jaw are a primary source of sensory input to the brain. The jaw, while developed similarly from the brachial arches in the embryo, is used in different ways for prey and predator. Different uses of the jaw, mouth and teeth are related to different behaviors and as a result, these anatomical parts developed differently. Their input cause different brain functions related to movement. The goal of this course is to open the student to discussion and realization that the jaw is an important part of the anatomy of the animal that drives brain function. One of the reasons jaw type is used in taxonomic classification is due to the ways in which it shapes the animal species. This lecture will bring this to the front of student thought. At the end of this lecture students will be able to identify animal behaviors based upon how they are shaped by this portion of the anatomy. The second part presents some chiropractic concepts with some practical application to equine dental maintenance. The equine professional will be able to use this information to recognize dental and chiropractic issues in equine wellness.