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Advanced Equine Atlas


How can you possibly adjust a horse?  You are too small!

The horse’s atlas is the most difficult segment to adjust.

Many animal chiropractors do not understand HOW to adjust horse atlases well.


Are you an animal chiropractor who says, “I didn’t find anything in the atlas today” ?


If this is you, we can help.


At A.C.E.S. we know this can be a difficult segment to address.  It can also be a difficult subluxation to diagnose.


Luckily we have just the weekend to address ONLY that segment to help you become an expert.


We don’t offer this class very often, because only the best animal chiropractors will take it, and there are not many willing to take that challenge.



June 22 - 25, 2023


Live at A.C.E.S. ranch.

LImited to 10 doctors of animal chiropractic.

This is an IN PERSON event.


Advanced Equine Atlas

Certificate: AVCA & IVCA

Duration: 20 hours

Assessments: Yes

Skill Level: Certified Animal Chiropractor

Lectures: 2

Quizzes: 0

Language: English

Advanced Equine Atlas

  • Advanced Equine Atlas

    How can you possibly adjust a horse?  You are too small!

    The horse’s atlas is the most difficult segment to adjust.

    Many animal chiropractors do not understand HOW to adjust horse atlases well.


    Are you an animal chiropractor who says, “I didn’t find anything in the atlas today” ?


    If this is you, we can help.


    At A.C.E.S. we know this can be a difficult segment to address.  It can also be a difficult subluxation to diagnose.


    Luckily we have just the weekend to address ONLY that segment to help you become an expert.


    We don’t offer this class very often, because only the best animal chiropractors will take it, and there are not many willing to take that challenge.

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