Pathology Review.
This course contains all the pathology courses offered in Animal Chiropractic 101 for review. They detail cases in pathology foranimal chiropractors from a veterinary standpoint. This series is designed to acquaint the animal chiropractor with many of the situations that present to animal chiropractors every day with regard to animal bodies and animal chiropractic issues. The lectures will also explore several of the less common pathological situations that may once in a while find their way to the animal chiropractor. These lectures are designed to help the animal chiropractor avoid the pitfalls of addressing cases that may be outside of their scope of expertise and practice, and to help them recognize when a case is clearly chiropractic and when it is not.
Certificate: AVCA
Duration: 9 hours
Assessments: Yes
Skill Level: DC or DVM
Lectures: 11
Quizzes: 11
Language: English
Pathology Review
Pathology Review.
Sacropelvic Pathology 1 is a course given by Dr. Ormston that details cases in pathology for animal chiropractors from a veterinary standpoint. This lecture is designed to acquaint the animal chiropractor with many of the situations that present to animal chiropractors every day with regard to sacropelvic or the appearance of sacropelvic chiropractic issues. The lecture will also explore several of the less common pathological situations that may once in a while find their way to the animal chiropractor. These lectures are designed to help the animal chiropractor avoid the pitfalls of addressing cases that may be outside of their scope of expertise and practice, and to help them recognize when a case is clearly chiropractic and when it is not. Sacropelvic Pathology 2 is a course given by Dr. Ormston that, like Sacropelvic Pathology 1, explores the musculoskeletal pathology of the animal with regard to the sacropelvic region and looks at both some common complaints that are presented to the animal chiropractor and some unusual complaints that may occur. This course is designed for the animal chiropractor to be able to understand when it is appropriate to refer the animal to a licensed professional who can treat the uncommon issues, and when it is appropriate to address the more common pathology issues using chiropractic. At the end of this course the student should be comfortable seeing patients on initial visits to determine whether they are going to make good chiropractic candidates or whether they will need to see other professional help. Cranial Cervical Pathology 1 is a course given by Dr. William Ormston. It is a course that focuses on the cranial and cervical regions of the body of animal patients, detailing pathology that both is likely to present on first visit for animal patients and some which is highly unlikely to be seen very often. This course details for the animal chiropractor the cases which will respond to chiropractic, though considered by veterinarians as untreatable, and cases that will not respond to chiropractic. The student will complete this course with improved confidence in his or her ability to recognize issues in the skull and cervical spinal region that are chiropractic and those that will not respond appropriately to chiropractic. This will not make the student a diagnostician, however it will help him or her to avoid mistaking these situations for something else. Cranial Cervical Pathology 2 is a course given by Dr. William Ormston. It is a course that focuses on the cranial and cervical regions of the body of animal patients, detailing pathology that both is likely to present on first visit for animal patients and some which is highly unlikely to be seen very often. This course details for the animal chiropractor the cases which will respond to chiropractic, though considered by veterinarians as untreatable, and cases that will not respond to chiropractic. The student will complete this course with improved confidence in his or her ability to recognize issues in the skull and cervical spinal region that are chiropractic and those that will not respond appropriately to chiropractic. Leg Length is a lecture that will be explained in greater detail during the laboratory session for this module. This lecture by Dr. Ormston explains the method of measuring leg length of the animal and using it as a means of determining subluxation in the upper cervicals and the hip. This lecture explains the technique and the philosophy behind using this technique. In addition to this Dr. O explains to the student how the human hip anatomy differs from the animal hip anatomy. Thoracolumbar Pathology 1 is a course given by Dr. William Ormston in which he defines several illnesses or injuries that may present to the animal chiropractor on a daily basis. These cases are designed to show the animal chiropractor some of what they will be seeing and be able to recognize that they are or are not of a chiropractic nature. The student will have plenty of time to view these cases and understand how they may be musculoskeletal in nature or may be somato-visceral in nature. This will help the student to determine whether or not the presenting complaint is chiropractic, or if it requires a referral to another doctor who can help the patient in another manner. Thoracolumbar Pathology 2 is a course given by Dr. William Ormston in which he defines several illnesses or injuries that may present to the animal chiropractor on a daily basis. These cases are designed to show the animal chiropractor some of what they will be seeing and be able to recognize that they are or are not of a chiropractic nature. The student will have plenty of time to view these cases and understand how they may be musculoskeletal in nature or may be somato-visceral in nature. This will help the student to determine whether or not the presenting complaint is chiropractic, or if it requires a referral to another doctor who can help the patient in another manner. Systemic Pathology 1 is a course in which many of the terms described in Veterinary Lingo are explained in further detail, including many of the zoonotic diseases. The course proceeds further to consider some of the systemic diseases that may present as neuromusckular problems. This lecture prepares the animal chiropractic student for being able to diagnose areas of the nervous system that are affected by systemic dis-ease so that their chiropractic adjustments will become more effective. The instructor is Dr. Bill Ormston. Systemic Pathology 2 is a course in which many of the terms described in Veterinary Lingo are explained in further detail, including many of the zoonotic diseases. The course proceeds further to consider some of the systemic diseases that may present as neuro-muscular problems. This lecture prepares the animal chiropractic student for being able to diagnose areas of the nervous system that are affected by systemic dis-ease so that their chiropractic adjustments will become more effective. This course differs from Systemic Pathology 1 in that it covers other areas of systemic dis-ease. This course broadens the student’s understanding of areas not covered in Systemic Pathology 1. The instructor is Dr. Bill Ormston. Extremity Pathology 1 is a course in which students will have the opportunity to learn about both pathological conditions the animal chiropractor is presented on a daily basis and those pathological conditions students of animal chiropractic may find detailed on examinations. The scope of this course is limited to the extremities of the animal, particularly the thoracic limb. This course will prepare the student for passing the examination of the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association for certification in animal chiropractic as well as opening their eyes to the dis-ease associated with animal chiropractic. The instructor is Dr. Bill Ormston. Extremity Pathology 2 is a course in which students will have the opportunity to learn about both pathological conditions the animal chiropractor is presented on a daily basis and those pathological conditions students of animal chiropractic may find detailed on examinations. The scope of this course is limited to the extremities of the animal, particularly the pelvic limb. This course will prepare the student for passing the examination of the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association for certification in animal chiropractic as well as opening their eyes to the dis-ease associated with animal chiropractic. This course differs from Extremity Pathology 1 in that it explores further the many issues.