I’m Dr Ashley Page with Creekside
Veterinary Clinic. I'm a veterinarian in
South Central Kentucky and in Northern Tennessee.
I started a very traditional veterinary
medicinemy practice about a year and a

half ago both large and small animals.
There is a high volume of equine patients as well as cattle
clients, with small animal patients from the rural community.
For several years I’ve wanted to add Chiropractic to my
practice, and about six
weeks ago I took the plunge and started
the classes online with A.C.E.S.
I actually attended my first
Lab at the beginning of August, just
three weeks after starting.
It's really changed my Mindset.
My overall health, happiness and sanity have improved.
It shows up in the numbers for my practice.
We've seen just in three
weeks an 8% growth
in revenue just from Chiropractic alone.
Seeing the relief on patients’ body language as well as how happy it
makes clients to see the the change in
their pets so quickly and without having
to do traditional medicine or
surgery is a huge improvement to my overall satisfaction at work.
I'm getting ready to do my first spinal check day this
Saturday with an Amish community in my
area and the reception to this has been

I've seen a lot of great results for my patients in that
This is one of the best
decisions I've made for myself
Thank you so much A.C.E.S.
for empowering me.