Dr. Chelsea Fishenfeld
Dr. Chelsea Fishenfeld
(949) 633-2242
25200 Trabuco Road
Lake forest, CA Personal:
41 Evening Light Lane
Aliso Viejo CA 92656

I got started with animal chiropractic because of how much chiropractic helped me!
I got in a pretty bad car accident years ago and chiropractic was the only modality that gave me any sort of relief as I was healing. I didn’t have to resort to surgery- I am so grateful.
I wanted to bring this sort of relief I got to the animals I work on.
Chiropractic is a constant modality to use for many of my patients. It radiates always a positive experience for the horse and the client, seeing the relief in their eyes at each adjustment.
My biggest wins with chiropractic have been helping all kinds of compensatory aches and pains horses get from multi factorial lameness cases. Sometimes the secondary pain can be worse than the primary problem!
I have also had a few “miracle” cases where chiropractic has been the only thing to help the horse- including sidewinders or “crab walkers”.
I mostly work on horses but have done the occasional dog and goat. I am looking to expand to providing more chiropractic care to canine soon.
I am grateful and feel blessed to be able to offer this sort of care and relief to my patients that don’t always respond given imperfect biology. Sometimes, it feels like a super power.
Everyone should know how valuable animal chiropractic can be for their animals- and themselves too!